Scan Monitor Dashboard Setup¶
I. Steps to Deploy Seele Monitor¶
1. Install Required Tools¶
1) Install Node¶
sudo yum install node
sudo yum install npm
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
2) Install pm2¶
npm install pm2 -g
3) Install nginx¶
yum install nginx
sudo apt install nginx
2. Deploy a Monitor¶
1) Download the monitor source code¶
git clone
2) Modify the frontend service config of the monitor¶
In config/dev.env.js
, modify the development environment config:
NODE_ENV: '"development"', // dev mode
BOWER_SERVER: '"ws://x.x.x.x:3000/bower"', // monitor backend websocket server
BOWER_CLIENT_HEARTCHECK_TIMEOUT: 5000, // monitor vue client heartcheck timeout
BOWER_CLIENT_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT: 5000 // monitor vue client reconnect timeout
In config/prod.env.js
, modify the production environment config:
NODE_ENV: '"production"', // prod mode
BOWER_SERVER: '"ws://x.x.x.x:3000/bower"', // monitor backend websocket server
BOWER_CLIENT_HEARTCHECK_TIMEOUT: 5000, // monitor vue client heartcheck timeout
BOWER_CLIENT_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT: 5000 // monitor vue client reconnect timeout
3) Modify the monitor websocket services configuration¶
Modify the file config/process.json
"apps" : [
"name" : "monitor_server", // monitor backend server name
"script" : "server/app.js", // monitor backend server entry script
"watch": ["server"],
"interpreter": "node", // monitor backend server start command
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "development",
"SERVER_NGINX": 0, // monitor backend deploy to nginx flag
"WS_CLIENT_CONN_TIMEOUT": 15, // check monitor client offline timeout
"WS_CLIENT_CONN_INTERVAL": 30000, // check all monitor client offline interval
"SERVER_PORT": 3000, // monitor backend port
"BOWER_SERVER_DATA_UPDATE_INTERVAL": 5000, // monitor backend data update interval
"NODE_SHARD": 1 //seele node shard num
"env_production" : {
"NODE_ENV": "production",
"SERVER_PORT": 3000,
4) Install and Compile the Code¶
cd monitor
npm install
npm run build
5) Start the Monitor Websocket Service¶
Development Environment:¶
cd monitor
pm2 start config/process.json --env development
Production Environment:¶
cd monitor
pm2 start config/process.json --env production
6) Start the Monitor Front Service:¶
Development Environment:¶
cd ./monitor
npm run dev
Production Environment:¶
nginx config file conf.d/monitor.conf
server {
listen 3001;
server_name _;
root /usr/local/nginx/monitor01;
location / {
index index.html index.htm;
error_page 404 /404.html;
location = /40x.html {
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
cp -r ./monitor/dist /usr/local/nginx/monitor01
nginx -s reload
3. Deploy the monitor-frame¶
1) Download the monitor-frame Source Code¶
git clone
2) Modify the monitor-frame Config¶
Modify the file src/pages/url.js
// set the shard view of seele-monitor, default display index 1
menuList: [
id: '1', // index unique id
menuName: 'Shard 01', // display name
url: 'http://localhost:3001' // access url
3)Install and Compile the Code¶
cd monitor-frame
npm install
npm run build
4) Start the monitor-frame¶
Development Environment¶
cd ./monitor-frame
npm run dev
Production Environment¶
nginx config file conf.d/monitor-frame.conf
server {
listen 8000;
server_name _;
root /usr/local/nginx/monitor-frame;
location / {
index index.html index.htm;
error_page 404 /404.html;
location = /40x.html {
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
cp -r ./monitor-frame/dist /usr/local/nginx/monitor-frame
nginx -s reload
4. Deploy monitor-api¶
1) Download monitor-api Source Code¶
git clone
2) Compile monitor-api¶
cd monitor-api
3) Edit monitor-api Configurations¶
Edit the config file config/app.conf
app_name = monitor-api // monitor api name
addr = :9997 // default monitor-api server port
run_mode = dev // select run mode
DisableConsoleColor = true
MonitorConfigFile = ./config/monitor.json
# comment should be above the line
# http server address, format ip:port
addr = :9997 // monitor-api server port
LimitConnection = 0
# enable web socket
EnableWebSocket = true
# enable rpc
EnableRPC = true
DisableConsoleColor = false
# enable write log out
WriteLog = true
# web socket api
WsRouter = /api
# every 10s send the node info to monitor server
WsFullEventTickerTime = 10
# every 2s send the block info, if the block height changed
WsLatestBlockEventTickerTime = 2
# if web socket occur error, reconnect delay 5s
DelayReConnTime = 5
# if rpc occur error, reconnetct and resend delay 5s
DelaySendTime = 5
# if rpc server occur error over 10, report error to monitor server
ReportErrorAfterTimes = 10
# RPC server addr for go-seele node, format ip:port
RPCURL = // seele node rpc
# log level, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic
LogLevel = debug
addr = :9997
EnableWebSocket = true
EnableRPC = true
WriteLog = true
LogFile = monitor-api.log
MonitorConfigFile = ./config/monitor.json
WsRouter = /api
WsFullEventTickerTime = 10
WsLatestBlockEventTickerTime = 2
DelayReConnTime = 5
DelaySendTime = 4
RPCUrl = // seele node rpc
# debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic
LogLevel = info
Edit the config file config/monitor.conf
"1":"x.x.x.x:3001", // shard1 monitor websocket url
"2":"x.x.x.x:3001", // shard2 monitor websocket url
"3":"x.x.x.x:3001" // shard3 monitor websocket url
4) Start monitor-api¶
./monitor-api start -c config.conf
5) In your Browser, visit the monitor http://localhost:3001¶
II. Steps to Deploy Seele scan¶
1.Install Required Tools¶
- Install go v1.7 or higher and the C compiler.
- Install mongodb version 3.63 or higher
2.Deploy Seele Data Synchronization Nodes¶
- Download and compile go-seele
- Start a go-seele node, ensure that the node is p2p connected with other go-seele nodes, and run:
./seele-node1 start -c config/node1.json --accounts config/accounts.json --miner stop
3. Deploy scan-api¶
1)Download and compile scan-api¶
- Download scan-api source code to
git clone
- In
, compile scan-api, which will create seele_syncer, scan_server, chart_service, and node_service, 4 executable programs withinscan-api\build\
cd seeleteam/scan-api
2)Modify scan-api Service Configurations¶
seele_syncer Configurations:¶
"RpcURL": "",
"WriteLog": true,
"LogLevel": "debug",
"LogFile": "seele-syncer.log",
"ShardNumber": 2
Service | Parameter | Explanation |
seele_syncer | RpcURL | seele node’s rpc connection address |
WriteLog | switch for log read/write | |
LogLevel | Level of log | |
LogFile | Filename of log | |
DataBaseConnUrl | mongodb connection address | |
DataBaseName | Database name of mongodb | |
SyncInterval | seele-node rpc sync time interval | |
ShardNumber | Shard ID |
scan_server Configurations:¶
"Addr": ":8888",
"WriteLog": true,
"LogLevel": "debug",
"LogFile": "scan-api.log",
Service | Paramater | Explanation |
scan_server | GinMode | Mode of operation for Gin |
Addr | Service listening port | |
WriteLog | Switch for log read/write | |
LogLevel | Level of log | |
LogFile | Filename of log | |
DataBaseConnUrl | mongodb connection address | |
DataBaseName | mongodb database name |
chart_service Configurations:¶
"WriteLog": true,
"LogLevel": "debug",
"LogFile": "scan-api.log",
Service | Parameter | Explanation |
chart_service | WriteLog | Switch for log read/write |
LogLevel | Level of log | |
LogFile | Filename of log | |
DataBaseConnUrl | mongodb connection address | |
DataBaseName | mongodb database name | |
ShardCount | Number of shards |
node_service Configurations¶
"RpcNodes" : [""],
"WriteLog": true,
"LogLevel": "debug",
"LogFile": "node_service.log",
"DataBaseName": "seele",
"Interval": 60,
"ExpireTime": 60
Service | Parameter | Explanation |
node_service | RpcNodes | seele node’s RPC address list |
WriteLog | Switch for log read/write | |
LogLevel | Level of log | |
LogFile | Filename of log | |
DataBaseConnUrl | mongodb connection address | |
DataBaseName | mongodb database name | |
Interval | rpc connection time interval | |
ExpireTime | Expiration time of seele node |
3)Start scan-api:¶
Start order¶
- In the command window, run: ./mongod -f ./mongod.conf
- Start the go-seele node, refer to Getting-Started-With-Seele
- In the command window, run: ./seele_syncer -c ./server.json
- In the command window, run: ./scan_server -c ./server.json
- In the command window, run: ./chart_service: -c ./server.json
- In the command window, run: ./node_service: -c ./server.json ### 2. Deploy scan #### 1) Download scan Source Code
git clone
2) Modify scan Configuration
In the development environment, modify the config file
NODE_ENV: '"development"', // dev mode NEW_WORK_ID: 2, // net work type, ex: 1 main 2 test SCAN_SHARD: 20, // seele node shard total num SCAN_API_URL: '"http://localhost:3003"', // scan-api url SCAN_API_PATH: '"/api/v1"' // scan-api path
In the production environment, modify the config file
NODE_ENV: '"production"', // prod mode NEW_WORK_ID: 2, // net work type, ex: 1 main 2 test SCAN_SHARD: 20, // seele node shard total num SCAN_API_URL: '"http://localhost:3003"', // scan-api url SCAN_API_PATH: '"/api/v1"' // scan-api path
3)Install and Compile the Code
cd scan npm install npm run build
4) Start scan
Development Environment
cd ./scan npm run dev
Production Environment
Modify nginx config file `conf.d/scan.conf` server { listen 3002; server_name _; root /usr/local/nginx/scan; location / { index index.html index.htm; } error_page 404 /404.html; location = /40x.html { } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { } } cp -r ./scan/dist /usr/local/nginx/scan nginx -s reload
5) Visit
scan http://localhost:3002
on your browser
III. Seele Dashboard Deployment Steps¶
1. Install Required Tools¶
1) Install node¶
yum install node
2) Install nginx¶
yum install nginx
3) Install influxdb¶
yum localinstall influxdb-1.5.1.x86_64.rpm
2. Start the Seele Node¶
3. Deploy dashboard-api¶
1) Download dashboard-api Source Code¶
git clone
2) Compile dashboard-api¶
cd dashboard-api
3) Modify dashboard-api Configurations¶
Modify the config file: config/app.json
"Name": "dashboard-api", // dashboard api name
"Version": "1.0",
"ListenAddr": "", // dashboard api listen address
"DB":{ // influxdb config
"Name":"influxdb", // influxdb link name
"Addr":"http://localhost:8086", // influxdb link address
"UserName":"test", // influxdb link username
"Password":"test123", // influxdb link password
4) Start dashboard-api¶
./dashboard-api start -c config/app.json
4. Deploy dashboard¶
1) Download dashboard Source Code¶
git clone
2) Modify the Confirguations¶
Modify the Config file: src/utils/config.js
const API_URL = 'http://localhost:61001' // dashboard-api server url
Modifify the file:package.json
"analyze": "cross-env PORT=8000 ANALYZE=1 BABELRC=1 umi build", // dashboard-port: PORT=8000
"start": "cross-env PORT=8000 BABELRC=1 COMPILE_ON_DEMAND=none BROWSER=none HOST= umi dev", // dashboard-port: PORT=8000
"lint": "eslint --fix --ext .js src",
"build": "cross-env PORT=8000 BABELRC=1 umi build", // dashboard-port: PORT=8000
"test": "umi test"
3)Install and Compile the Code¶
cd dashboard
npm install
npm run build
4) Start dashboard Service¶
Development Environment¶
cd ./dashboard
npm run start
Production Environment¶
nginx config file: conf.d/dashboard.conf
server {
listen 8000;
server_name _;
root /usr/local/nginx/dashboard;
location / {
index index.html index.htm;
error_page 404 /404.html;
location = /40x.html {
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
cp -r ./dashboard/dist /usr/local/nginx/dashboard
nginx -s reload